MW Elbows to Hands Plank Knee Touch Backstroke

Exercise / Scapular Retract

MW Elbows to Hands Plank Knee Touch Backstroke


MW Elbows to Hands Plank Knee Touch Backstroke (EHP-KnT-BS) is the progression of the “Elbows Plank Knee Touch Backstroke” (EP-KnT-BS). In addition to Level 1, the exercise has the switching movement from “Elbows Plank”  to “Hands Plank” position. Because of this, a higher core-control is required and this is the reason because this exercise is categorized as Level 2.

CAUTION: If you’re unsure of your health status, have multiple health problems, previous injuries or are pregnant, speak with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Exercise Tips

  • Try to maintain a neutral position of the neck and lumbar spine during the “Backstroke” and the switching movement from “Elbows Plank” to “Hands Plank”;
  • Focus your attention on opening your chest during the “Backstroke” movement rather than twisting torso;
  • Feel oblique abs activation during the “knee-touch” movement;
  • Stop immediately the exercise if you feel low-back or shoulder pain;