MW Rolling Lower Body + 1Leg Bridge + PU 3

Exercise / Hip Extension

MW Rolling + Bridge + PU 3


This MW exercise is composed by three movements: 1) Rolling Lower Body 2) One-Leg Bridge 3) Rolling back + Push Up + One-arm stability Lev.2;
1) Start in the prone position with hands at the shoulders and elbows close to the body. Squeezing glutes and keeping the “core” activated, lift the left leg into the air, behind the body and reach it slowly towards the right to allow the rest of the body to roll over back into the supine position.
2) From supine position with the left leg flexed, lift hips off the floor to attain a bridge position with knees, hips, and shoulders in alignment. Keep opposite leg extended during the entire exercise.
3) From the top position of the bridge, slightly unlock hips and pushing the left foot on the ground for rolling back on start position. Finish the movement performing a push-up one arm stability lev.2.

Perform the same execution on opposite side.

CAUTION: If you’re unsure of your health status, have multiple health problems, previous injuries or are pregnant, speak with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Exercise Tips

  • Before training this exercise, it’s important in practicing each movement (Rolling Lower Body and One Log Bridge) automatizing the proper technique;
  • Keep the top position of the one-leg bridge for a couple of seconds;
  • Feel oblique abs and shoulder stability during the one-arm push-up position; 
  • Feel hamstring and glute activation of the same side of the leg on the ground;
  • Stop immediately the exercise if you feel low-back or shoulder pain;



Add “Backstroke” arm movement at the top of the “Push Up”;